Registration and set up is between 4:00pm and 4:45pm on the day of the event.
All participants must check in with First Friday Staff at the PXV FIRST Tent during this time, and will be assigned their spot number after being checked in. The First Friday Committee reserves the right to not allow your participation in First Fridays if not registered by the appropriate time.
Each First Friday participant is given a 10’x10’ space in the Main and Bridge Street Parking Lot to set up. Vendor tents may be directly next to each other, so the entire display must fit within the 10x10 space.
The First Friday committee provides one 10’x10’ tent and tent weights for each participant. The First Friday committee does NOT provide tables, chairs, etc. Participants are not guaranteed the same spot each month. First Friday Staff will attempt to accommodate all needs regarding placement.
The event runs from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Participants must stay for the duration of the event unless arranged with First Friday Staff. All participants must be packed up and out by 9:00pm.
The Borough of Phoenixville offers free parking in its designated lots after 4:00pm on First Fridays. Please visit for a map of these available lots. Please note that these lots are not reserved for First Friday participants, and may be full. The Main & Bridge Street Parking lot is closed during First Friday events.
A loading/drop-off zone is located at the corner of the 100 block of Bridge Street at the brick wall (please see map at the end of the guidelines for reference). You may pull up, unload to the sidewalk, and then you must immediately pull away to find a legal parking space before returning to check in and be assigned a spot. Additionally, no one is permitted to pull up in front of the barricades or onto the sidewalk to unload their vehicle. There will be no exceptions to this regulation. Anyone who disregards this will not be permitted to participate in First Fridays.
Please plan to arrive to the event early enough to secure a parking spot.
Vendor fees for each event are $30. Fee must be paid by the Monday prior to the event (example - for May’s First Friday, which is May 3rd, vendor fee must be paid by no later than April 29th).
Fees may be paid by going to, selecting the ‘Special Events’ tab, and then selecting the appropriate month. Please note, vendors will need to create an account within the system in order to pay their fees; there is no exception to this.
No electricity will be available to vendors.
If you would like to bring a generator, it must be pre-approved by the First Friday Committee. All generators must be silent and must fit within the 10’x10’ space you have been assigned. Generators may not be placed on the sidewalk behind your space, nor in the street in front of your space. If your generator does not meet the guidelines, you will be asked to remove it from the event space, and you will not be permitted to use one in future events. If you would like to use a generator at an upcoming First Friday event, please email your request to the First Friday Committee more than one week in advance of the event you will be participating in.
First Friday participants are reminded to act in a friendly, courteous manner to all event visitors, staff, and fellow participants. Participants are encouraged to let First Friday staff know of any questions or concerns throughout the event.
Vendors may not display or sell items containing vulgar language.
Failure to cooperate with First Friday staff in regards to any matter is acceptable bounds to be removed from the program permanently. Upon removal from the Phoenixville First Friday program, you will not be eligible to receive a refund for any payments you have made.
If you have any questions regarding the rules and regulations of participating in Phoenixville First Friday, please do not hesitate to email or call the First Friday Committee.